First EU macro-regional strategies' workshop on water

Esemény időpontja: 2018. április 19., csütörtök, 9:30 - 16:00

Helyszín: Art´otel Budapest
1011 Budapest, Bem Rakpart 16-19

We believe that a discussion among all macro- regions is beneficial for all of us working for water-connected issues and would promote further cooperation. Therefore PA4 decided that together with Interact a workshop is to be organized and invited the water-related priroties of all four macro -regions of the EU for an initial discussion.

The objective of the workshop is to initiate discussion among water experts from the related priorities of the EU macro-regional strategies. Furthermore, the workshop is aiming at introducing water management related activities as dealt under the EU macro-regional strategies, outlining and discussing main challenges, exchange best practices and lessons learnt. Needs, ways and priorities of potential continuous cooperation will be addressed.


Duna Régió Stratégia
